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Arthur A. Mendonsa Hearing Room May 5, 2009 1:30 PM Final Agenda | |
The Georgia Conflict of Interest in Zoning Actions Statute (OCGA Chapter 67A) requires disclosure of certain campaign contributions made by applicants for rezoning actions and by opponents to rezoning actions. Contributions or gifts which in aggregate total $250.00 or more if made within the last two years to a member of the Metropolitan Planning Commission, City Council, or County Commission who will act on the request must by disclosed by applicants. Persons who oppose a rezoning request by speaking before these officials, by direct contact with these officials, or in writing to these officials must also disclose such contributions. Disclosure reports must by filed with either the Clerk of Council or the Clerk of the Chatham County Commissioners, as appropriate, by applicants within ten (10) days after the rezoning application is filed and by opponents at least five (5) calendar days prior to the first hearing by the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Failure to comply is a misdemeanor. Note: All persons in attendance are requested to so note on the "Sign-In Sheet" on the table outside the entrance of the meeting room. Persons wishing to speak will indicate on the sheet. I. CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME II. INVOCATION III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. NOTICES, PROCLAMATIONS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Swearing-in of MPC Commissioners1. Superior Court Judge Penny Haas Freesemann will be present to swear in the MPC Board. Recognition of Out-going MPC Commissioners2. The MPC Board will present Resolutions to out-going MPC Commissioners, Robert Ray and Doug Bean, in recognition of their service to the community. Notice(s)3. May 19, 2009 Regular MPC Meeting at 1:30 PM in the MPC Arthur A. Mendonsa Hearing Room, 112 East State Street Information Item(s) for Board MembersV. ITEM(S) REQUESTED TO BE REMOVED FROM THE FINAL AGENDA4. Information Item(s)Attachment: May Calendar.pdf The Consent Agenda consists of items for which the applicant is in agreement with the staff recommendation and for which no known objections have been identified nor anticipated by staff. Any objections raised at the meeting will result in the item being moved to the Regular Agenda. At a 12:30 briefing, the staff will brief the Commission on Consent Agenda items, and, time permitting, Regular Agenda items. No testimony will be taken from applicants, supporters or opponents, and no votes will be taken at the briefing. VI. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of MPC Meeting Minutes and Briefing Minutes5. Approval of April 21, 2009 MPC Meeting Minutes and Briefing Minutes.Attachment: 04.21.09MPCBRIEFINGMINUTES.pdf Authorization(s)6. Adoption of the Resolution to Endorse the Study of a High Speed Rail Link between Macon and SavannahAttachment: MPC Board Thomson HSR Resolution 042709 (2).pdf Amended Master Plan7. Highlands and Willow PointAttachment: Existing Highlands Master Plan.pdf Zoning Petition - Text AmendmentVII. OLD BUSINESS8. Petition to amend section 8-3025 (46) City of Savannah Zoning OrdinanceAttachment: Staff Report.pdf VIII. REGULAR BUSINESS Tri-Centennial Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Map Amendment9. Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment - 800 Habersham StreetAttachment: comp plan amend.pdf General Development Plan / Group Development Plan10. Georgia Skin and Cancer CenterAttachment: OrthoZoningImagery.pdf Zoning Petition - Text Amendment11. Text Amendment to the Savannah Zoning OrdinanceAttachment: staff rpt.pdf Zoning Petition - Map Amendment12. 800 Habersham StreetAttachment: 800 Habersham Aerial Photo.pdf Victorian District - New ConstructionIX. OTHER BUSINESS13. 800 Habersham StreetAttachment: Existing Site Plan.pdf 14. The Chatham Environmental Forum (CEF) - "A Road Map for Chatham County"Attachment: MPC CEF Board Presentation May 5th - Board Copy.pdf X. ADJOURNMENT |